CA-selfie-160809-330x440Pastor Lay visited with Christine 8-12-16 (with his daughter Priscilla and grand-daughter Aubrey) and gave her a check from Christine’s Fund.

She is weak and very tired from the chemo medicines and barely able to walk.

They are waiting for blood test results to determine whether she can remain at home or must be admitted to the hospital.  It seems they cannot find any white blood cells in Christine’s blood, which, according to the doctors, is a very dangerous condition.  Christine was at the doctor’s office twice on the 12th.

She is unable to get out of a chair without help, and is primarily restricted to bed. She can’t walk on her own without tipping over (although when the pastor and his daughter were there, she walked out to the living room by holding on to the walls in the hallway, but when she go to the room, she couldn’t stand up on her own. Priscilla had to help her to the chair). She is able to hold onto walls and furniture to make her way to the bathroom if it is urgent.  Coming out of the bathroom requires assistance.  Since her kids are home for the summer, they’ve been able to help her get up and to the bathroom.  However, they go back to school in a week,

Christine was very thankful for the assistance and the roll Everyday Fellowship has played in helping her family.

Her husband, Steve, is still working part-time and is on the list to be hired full-time if/when positions become available.

Please do whatever you can to help the family.


Christine’s Video                               Rock & Hard Space Video