Sermon Notes


Sermon Notes



Job 22-24 (LEB)

Eliphaz’s Third Speech

22 Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said,

“Can a man be of use to God?
Yes, can the wise be of use to him?
Is it a pleasure to Shaddai if you are righteous,
or a gain if you make your ways blameless?
Does he reprove you because of your reverence
or enter into judgment with you?
Is not your wickedness great,
and there is no end to your iniquities?
“Indeed, you have required a pledge from your family for nothing,
and you have stripped off the clothes of the naked.
You have given no water for the weary to drink,
and you withheld food from the hungry.
And the land belongs to the man of power,
and the favored lives in it.
You have sent widows away empty-handed,
and the arms of orphans were crushed.
10 Therefore trapping nets are all around you,
and panic suddenly terrifies you,
11 or it is so dark you cannot see,
and a flood of water covers you.
12 Is not God in the height of the heavens?
But see how lofty are the highest stars.
13 And you ask, ‘What does God know?
Can he judge through deep gloom?
14 Thick clouds are a covering for him, so that he does not see;
and he walks about on the dome of heaven.’
15 Will you keep to the way of old
that the people of mischief have trod,
16 who were snatched away before their time,
whose foundation was washed away by a current?
17 Those who said to God, ‘Turn away from us,’
and ‘What can Shaddai do to us?’
18 Yet he himself filled up their houses with good things,
but the schemes of the wicked are repugnant to me.
19 The righteous see, and they rejoice,
but the innocent one mocks at them.
20 Surely our foe perishes,
and fire has consumed their remainder.
21 “Please reconcile yourself with him,
and be at peace; in this way, good will come to you.
22 Please receive instruction from his mouth,
and place his words in your heart.
23 If you return to Shaddai, you will be restored;
if you remove wickedness from your tent,
24 and if you put gold ore in the dust,
and the gold of Ophir in the rock of wadis,
25 then Shaddai will be your gold ore
and your precious silver.
26 Indeed, then you will delight yourself in Shaddai,
and you will expect that God will be good to you.
27 You will pray to him, and he will hear you,
and you will pay your vows.
28 And you will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you,
and light will shine on your ways.
29 When they are humiliated, you say, ‘It is pride,’
for he saves the humble.
30 He will deliver the guilty,
and he will escape because of the cleanness of your hands.”

Job’s Eighth Speech: A Response to Eliphaz

23 Then Job answered and said,

“Even today my complaint is bitter;
my hand is heavy in addition to my groaning.
O that I knew and that I might find him;
O that I might come to his dwelling.
I would lay my case before him,
and I would fill my mouth with arguments.
I want to know the words with which he would answer me,
and I want to understand what he would say to me.
Would he contend with me in the greatness of his strength?
No, but he himself would give heed to me.
There an upright person could reason with him,
and I would be acquitted forever by my judge.
“When I go forward, he is not there,
or backward, I cannot see him.
When he works on the left, I cannot perceive him;
he turns to the right, but I cannot see him.
10 But he knows the way that I take;
he tests me—I shall come out like gold.
11 My foot has held on to his steps;
I have kept his way, and I have not turned aside.
12 From the commandment of his lips, indeed I have not departed;
I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily food.
13 “But he is alone, and who can dissuade him?
And whatever he desiresindeed, he does it.
14 For he will carry out what he appoints for me,
and many things like these are with him.
15 Therefore, I am horrified because of his presence;
when I consider, I tremble because of him.
16 Indeed, God has made my heart faint,
and Shaddai has terrified me.
17 Indeed, I have not been silenced because of darkness,
and because of me he conceals thick darkness.

Job’s Eighth Speech, Continued

24 “Why are not times kept by Shaddai,
and why do not those who know him see his days?
They remove border stones;
they seize flocks, and they pasture them.
They drive away the donkey of orphans;
they take the widow’s ox as a pledge.
They thrust the poor off the road;
the needy of the earth hide themselves together.
“Look, like wild donkeys in the desert
they go out to their labor as searchers for the prey;
the wilderness is their food for the young.
They reap their fodder in the field,
and they glean in the vineyard of the wicked.
They spend the night naked, without clothing,
and they have no garment in the cold.
They are wet from the rainstorm of the mountains,
and they cling to the rock without refuge.
“They snatch the orphan from the breast,
and they take a pledge against the needy.
10 They go about naked, without clothing,
and hungry, they carry the sheaves.
11 Between their terraces they press out oil;
they tread the presses, but they are thirsty.
12 From the city people groan,
and the throat of the wounded cries for help;
yet God does not regard it as unseemly.
13 “Those are among the ones rebelling against the light;
they do not recognize his ways,
and they do not stay in his paths.
14 At dusk the murderer rises;
he kills the needy and the poor,
and in the night he is like a thief.
15 And the eye of the adulterer waits for dusk,
saying, ‘No eye will see me,’
and he places a covering on his face.
16 He digs through houses in the darkness;
by day they shut themselves in—
they do not know the light
17 because morning likewise is to them deep darkness;
indeed, they know about the terrors of deep darkness.
18 “He himself is swift on the water’s surface;
their portion is cursed in the land.
No one turns toward the path of their vineyards.
19 Drought and heat snatch away the snow waters,
like Sheol snatches away those who have sinned.
20 The womb forgets him.
The maggot feasts on him until he is no longer remembered,
and wickedness is broken like a tree.
21 He feeds on the barren, who does not have a child,
and does no good to the widow.
22 Yet he carries off the tyrants by his strength;
if he rises up, then he cannot be certain of life.
23 He gives security to him, and he is supported,
but his eyes are upon their ways.
24 They are exalted a little while, then they are gone.
And they are brought low; they are cut off like all others,
and like the heads of grain they wither away.
25 “And if it is not so, then who can prove me a liar
and reduce my word to nothing?”

