Missions We Support

As followers of Christ, we are mandated to help fulfill the “Great Commission” as expressed in the Bible.

 “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:16

We Financially Support

We support the following missionaries and their sponsoring organizations with monthly stipends:

Eric & Melissa

Sponsor OrganizationPioneer Bible Translators

Eric and Melissa have been serving with Pioneer Bible Translators since 2011. Because of some unforeseen circumstances, they had to put their plans for West Africa on hold and seek God’s direction. God showed them unreached people from all over the world right in their hometown of St. Louis and that He wanted Eric and Melissa to share the Gospel with them.

They joined the Diaspora Group, a Pioneer Bible Translators ministry focusing on refugees and internationals here in the U.S. Many of these refugees have fled from countries that are inaccessible to missionaries, providing a unique opportunity to reach some of the most unreached peoples in the world. In order to do this, Eric and Melissa are collaborating with existing refugee organizations, mobilizing and training the local church for refugee ministry, looking for Bible translation needs that haven’t been met, and seeking to share God’s Word with unreached refugees as they build relationships with them.

Read their story on their blog at https://davispbt.wordpress.com


Jen’s story and contact information will be posted soon.

Heartline Ministries

Heartline Ministries logo



We also support Rapha House, Haiti with periodic donations.

Native Cambodian Christian leaders had repeatedly witnessed girls disappearing from their villages to be sold and exploited. Rapha House co-founder Joe Garman had been working alongside these leaders for years, but this horrific reality was brought to his attention firsthand as he witnessed the near trafficking of a young woman who had been sold by her parents. Luckily, the Cambodian leaders were able to intercede for and stop the traffickers from taking the young woman. But when Joe heard about the hundreds and thousands of children who were being sold into slavery in Cambodia and surrounding countries, it broke his heart.

These Cambodian leaders had the desire and the will to combat for these children, but needed the structure, programming and funding to do this work.

Joe returned to the US and shared the issue and the vision with his daughter, Stephanie Garman Freed, and together they began to pull in experts and partners with a heart to combat child slavery.

In 2003, Rapha House began their safe house program for children who had been rescued from slavery and sexual exploitation. After more than a decade of growth, Rapha House is now an international safe house program which has won the favor of the governments in the countries in which it works. It is an organization which practices excellence in the standards of caring for children who have been rescued from these traumatic situations.

The Rapha House model is to find native people who are qualified and passionate about combating the issues of child slavery and sexual exploitation in their own countries, and equipping them to combat on behalf of these children.  So far safe houses have been established in Cambodia, Thialand and Haiti.

Rapha is a Hebrew word which means “healing.” And healing is the heartbeat of Rapha House.

Ferguson-Florissant School District’s “Food For Thought” Program

Teachers and the community collect ready-to-eat food items to be put in backpacks and given to students so that they have food over the weekends.  Students return the backpacks on Monday.

Click here for more…

New Life Christian Church


Organization:  New Life Christian Church – nlccstl.org

New Life Christian ChurchPastor Pleasant, Lady Pleasant and the deacons and members of NLCC have been gracious hosts and have allowed Everyday Fellowship to use their sanctuary and facilities.

We help NLCC’s efforts by providing support for their outreach through their web site, upgrading some of their equipment and providing ongoing technical support..